25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
4 February
#TimeToTalk Day - the power of small
Today is Time To Change’s #TimetoTalk Day, and this year’s theme is ‘The Power of Small.’ Mental health is hugely important to us at The Lord Mayor’s Appeal so we have come up with some ideas for ways to both stay connected and tips to get people talking. Even a small conversation about wellbeing and mental health has the power to make a big difference.
Just because we can’t be with colleagues in the workplace or visiting friends and family, doesn’t mean we can’t take the time to talk to them.
Here are our top tips
- Make an extra effort to make time to have a chat with your colleagues, family members and friends today. Ask them how they are, as it is so important to stay connected right now.
- Remember the power of listening. If you ask someone how they are, take the time to actually listen to their response. Ask questions, and respond.
- We all spend so long on video calls for work it can be easy to switch off at the end of the day and forget those important connections. So why not go for an old fashioned phone call? It can be really nice to hear someone’s voice.
- Why not send a text, or ring someone you haven’t spoken to in a while to let them know you are thinking of them. We all have friendships we’ve let slip, and now is a great time to reconnect.
- Visit Time To Change who have plenty of resources available as well as some great tips to help you get people talking about mental health this #TimetoTalk Day.
- Finally, join us for our This is Me 2021 Launch Event - #ThisisMe aims to change attitudes towards mental health in the workplace by reducing stigma, dispelling myths and raising awareness to improve employee wellbeing. Register here.
Let’s get everyone talking about mental health this #TimeToTalk Day!