
25 February

Leading Light: Bank of China

Why is City Giving Day good for business and why have you been involved? 

"At Bank of China, we are extremely proud of being the first Chinese company to participate in City Giving Day (CGD). For four years, CGD at Bank of China has thrived as our annual charitable event, and as a festival focusing on good causes. It inspires our colleagues to actively participate and unleash the creativities of our diverse cultural backgrounds. 

Both the scale of our participation and the funds we raise at CGD continue to grow, reaching a historical high point in 2018. Last year, we incorporated the business concept of ‘Belt & Road Initiative’ and displayed a ‘Belt & Road Market’ for fund raising, with each market stall hosted by a department and representing a country in the Belt and Road region. The event was a great success, and we are extremely delighted to have won CGD’s ‘Most Innovative’ award for bringing the theme of Belt & Road Initiative to the heart of the City of London. 

In 2018, we embedded the element of China Philanthropy into our charitable actions. As well as CGD, we support the charities partner with CGD. We believe that our philanthropic mission, reflected in the spirit and impact of CGD and the other charities we support, reaches and resonates both across and beyond the Square Mile. 

In 2019, we will continue to support CGD, and intend to connect our participation to the theme of the 90 years anniversary of Bank of China London, further showcasing our long term commitment to the City."

Wenjian Fang, General Manager of Bank of China London Branch and CEO of Bank of China (UK) Limited


Why did you get involved and what was great about City Giving Day? 

“It’s a wonderful occasion for all colleagues to get actively involved the bank’s commitment to social responsibility, showcasing our teamwork and partnership, sharing our ideas and personal talents, and celebrating being part of the community and the City.  It’s always a day full of fun and inspiring to see how we can channel our energy to help others. What gives me a great feeling is realising that by each of us making small contribution to a big mission, we can collectively have a positive impact on the prosperity of our society.” 

Philip Richards, Human Resources & Training Department, Bank of China London Branch


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