
11 March

We recap our Power of Inclusion webinar

The Lord Mayor’s Appeal Power of Inclusion hosted our first event of 2025 in February. One month on we look back on the event and the key take aways.

The webinar explored how storytelling initiatives can help businesses to strengthen their social mobility strategies by creating the space to reflect on often hidden barriers to inclusion and progression. 

Dan Robertson (FAIRER Consulting), Chair of the Power of Inclusion Senior Leadership Forum chaired the event and was joined by Chris Edwards, CSR & Diversity Director at Travers Smith, Gavin Holland, Partner at Erevena and Freya Owen, Head of Research at Arcadia Consulting.

Those who joined the webinar first heard from Freya Owen, who delivered a presentation on the power of storytelling and the science behind why stories are such impactful tools from an anthropological, neuroscientific, and psychological perspective. 

We explored why stories from our childhood are often more memorable than facts and figures. With our brains focusing on events that trigger an emotional response, encouraging trust and empathy between the storyteller and listener.

We then considered how organisations will often focus on policies and training to drive inclusion, but that even the best policy can fail to be effective if a workforce is not compelled to act.

Storytelling evokes responses in our brains that draw us into the scenario being explored, driving a connection that is far more likely to result in action than a policy would.

This powerful exploration of the science behind story telling was then followed by a panel discussion involving our three expert voices with the conversation led by Power of Inclusion Chair Dan Robertson.

Gavin Holland explored his own experience of telling his story as part of The Lord Mayor’s Appeal Power of Inclusion #ChangeStartsTogether video, whist Chris Edwards spoke about the creation of a social mobility booklet as part of the wider social mobility strategy at Travers Smith.

Freya Owen then discussed how best to measure the success of storytelling campaigns before the panel discussed the importance of senior leaders telling their stories.

Before they signed off, each panellist gave one key piece of advice:

"Stories of difference don’t have to be from minority groups, stories from allies and how they have learnt along the way can is just as powerful." Dan Roberston

“Identify your allies, and they can come from unexpected camps." Chris Edwards

"Be intentional. Whatever the message is that you want to deliver, or the perception you want people to have of you, be intentional when you craft your message and utilise the power of story" Freya Owen

"Find your thing that you are happy to share, that is authentic and about you and just put it out there, just try it out and you will be amazed by what success you have with it." Gavin Holland

The next Power of Inclusion series event is taking place in person on March 20th and will explore the topic of mentoring. To sign up, please contact  inclusion@thelordmayorsappeal.org 

The storytelling webinar can be found on the Power of Inclusion hub and is free to access

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