25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
25 June
The City elects Sheriffs of London for next mayoral year
Alderman Gregory Jones KC and David Chalk were elected as the next Sheriffs of the City of London at Guildhall’s Common Hall on 24 June. They will take office on Friday 27 September, holding the position for one year, and are succeeding Alderwoman Dame Susan Langley and Alderman Bronek Masojada.
The office of Sheriff of the City of London, a pre-requisite for becoming Lord Mayor, is one of the oldest in existence and dates back to the Middle Ages. The Sheriffs’ modern-day duties include supporting the Lord Mayor in his or her civic duties and serving - both, at home and abroad - as ambassadors for the UK-based financial and professional services industry by promoting the UK as a place in which to do business. Based at the Old Bailey, the office is an integral part of the City’s support for the rule of law.
Gregory Jones studied law at New College, Oxford (MA) where he was elected as President of the Oxford Law Society and Treasurer of the Oxford Union. He was called to the bar by Lincoln’s Inn, took an LLM (Master of Laws) at University College London, and spent time with the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. He currently practices law at Francis Taylor Building, Temple, specialising in infrastructure, planning, environmental, climate change, and EU related law.
David Chalk was educated at Chigwell School, Radley College, and Edinburgh University. He spent 20 years working in the City in research and strategy at the Henley Centre for Forecasting, marketing group WPP, and the Smithfield-based think tank, the Future Foundation. His career in marketing saw him develop financial services for older people while working at Age Concern Enterprises, after which he founded a regional care-in-the-home business aiming to keep older people living independently at home for as long as possible.
Sheriff Elect Alderman Gregory Jones KC said:
“I am delighted to have been elected as Sheriff and I look forward to supporting the Lord Mayor in his goals, in collaboration with my fellow Sheriff, David Chalk. The English legal system is the bedrock of the City of London’s success as the world’s leading financial centre and, during my shrieval year, I will promote the rule of law, with the Old Bailey serving as the ideal platform on which to champion the symbiotic relationship between the law and the City.”
Sheriff Elect David Chalk said:
“To have been elected to the high office of Sheriff of London is a great honour, and I am deeply grateful to everyone who has made this possible. As well as working to increase people’s understanding of how the Old Bailey and its judges work, I want to devote time to addressing an issue close to my heart and one of national importance, specifically, some of the funding issues around older people’s care, bringing financial services, policymakers, and care professionals together.”
In addition to their duties and responsibilities to assist the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs play a key role in supporting His Majesty’s Judges at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) by promoting the importance of the English rule of law to businesses, schools, diplomats, charities, the City Livery, and leading arts figures.
The Central Criminal Court, where the Sheriffs work and reside during their year, is recognised as the most famous criminal court in the world and is owned and managed by the City of London Corporation.