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31 October
Number Confidence Week comes to The City
National Numeracy's Number Confidence Week starts on Monday 6 November. To celebrate our charity partner is hosting an event Number Confidence Counts on Wednesday 8 at Mansion House.
The morning get together hosted by The Lord Mayor of the City of London, Nicholas Lyons and Sam Sims, CEO of National Numeracy will celebrate National Numeracy's ‘Every Londoner Counts initiative’ and their partnership with The Lord Mayor’s Appeal.
With the support of the Lord Mayor, National Numeracy will be showcasing how we’re supporting people across The City, to spark better opportunities and brighter futures. Our speakers will discuss the importance of number confidence and how the ‘Every Londoner Counts’ initiative is helping to improve employability and drive financial inclusion throughout London.
Kicking off at 8.30am on Wednesday 8, guests at Mansion House will hear from Alderman Nicholas Lyons, The Lord Mayor of the City of London; Timi Merriman-Johnson, Founder of Mr MoneyJar and National Numeracy Ambassador; Leanne Chandler, a National Numeracy Numeracy Champion from Tower Hamlets trained as part of Every Londoner Counts - all facilitated by Sam Sims, CEO of National Numeracy.
Anyone in The City can attend, by simply RSVP'ing before 1 November by registering on this page
More about Number Confidence Week
49% of the UK's working-age population have the expected numeracy levels of a primary school child.
Struggling with numbers can make people more vulnerable to debt, unemployment, poor health and fraud, but the role that number confidence plays is not adequately acknowledged or addressed.
Boosting number confidence is an essential first step to improved numeracy – it is very often the key that unlocks the door to numeracy skills building.
As a Lead Supporter of Number Confidence Week, The Lord Mayor's Appeal is helping to get the nation number confident this November.
Taking place from Monday 6 to Friday 10 November, Number Confidence Week exists to help people take the first step towards feeling good about numbers. Feeling like we’re no good at maths or “don’t get” numbers can mean we avoid them, which only makes matters worse. Low confidence with numbers can hold us back, affect our wellbeing, and can have an impact on how our children feel about maths too.
Building number confidence will look different for everyone but National Numeracy offers a range of free, confidence boosting resources that can help you get started. They’re available online anytime, so you can go at your own pace.
Visit the Number Confidence Week campaign hub on National Numeracy's website to find out more.
Find out more on our partnership with National Numeracy here