3 March Chinese New Year private dinner at Mansion House in support of the UK-China Charity Initiative
26 July
National Numeracy celebrates record results for National Numeracy Day
We're happy to share that our partner charity National Numeracy celebrated record results for thier 2023 National Numeracy Day campaign. Kicking off on 17th May, the 'week' actually ran throughout May and June - with a host of activities designed to engage the country in everyday maths.
This year, National Numeracy inspired 831,050 actions towards improving numeracy – more than in previous years combined – meaning that since the campaign began in 2018, National Numeracy Day has inspired an incredible 1.5 million actions.
Boosting number confidence across the country, here's National Numeracy Day 2023 in numbers:
- 103,280 people tried the National Numeracy Challenge
- National Numeracy resources were downloaded 19,809 times
- National Numeracy's campaign videos had 705,532 views
- They had 726,152 engagements on social media
- They had 356 media mentions, reaching 261m people
- 9,639 entries were made to our Number Heroes Competition
- 9,369 nurseries, schools, colleges, organisations and individuals signed up to get involved
National Numeracy’s work is transforming the lives of people across the UK, from Becoming a Numeracy Champion training to help the country’s workforce get number confidence to supporting people to build the skills they need to manage their money and improve financial wellbeing. Studies have found that a lack of confidence can start early in life, which is why the charity works closely with parents, carers and schools to bring number fun to the forefront of children’s minds and help adults to support the children around them.
We are proud to support National Numeracy on their mission to empower children and adults in the UK to get on with numbers so they can fulfil their potential at work, home and school. Basic number skills and confidence provide a gateway to financial inclusion, wellbeing and employment prospects and poor numeracy is limiting the life chances of half the nation’s working age population. In London, that figure is more than half with 59% or 3.5 million adults estimated to have low numeracy skills. National Numeracy is addressing this problem to help open up opportunities for Londoners and stimulate the city’s economy.
Last year, The Lord Mayor’s Appeal launched with a new campaign in partnership with National Numeracy called ‘Every Londoner Counts’. This ongoing initiative improves employability and financial inclusion, by supporting thousands of Londoners in greatest need to build confidence, skills, and positive attitudes to basic numeracy through a network of 500 newly trained Numeracy Champions.
Find out more about The Lord Mayor's Appeal partnership with National Numeracy and Every Londoner Counts initiative here