25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
18 May
DofE share stories showing the impact of our support
To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, our charity partner The Duke of Edinburgh's Awards share two stories with us that highlight how the appeal's support has helped to create a positive impact to the lives of young people across London.
Since the partnership began, the aim has been to supercharge the charity’s ability to bring the DofE to young people in London and inspire them to go beyond what they believe themselves capable of, no matter their background or financial situation. Achieving a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a game-changer, and our funding is helping to support the DofE’s Youth Without Limits ambition to reach one million young people across the UK in the next five years. Last year our support funded training for adult leaders and enabled more young people, particularly those facing financial hardship and from ethnic and social minority backgrounds, to do their DofE in London.
Pupil Referral Unit – South West London
"The Lord Mayors Appeal funding has given the opportunity to less privileged students to access the award. For example, those who find it difficult to join other extra-curricular clubs due to cost of joining. Secondly, some of these are students who do not participate in sport clubs, for example, due to low self-esteem and anxiety. The DofE being an 'accepting of all' award has proven important to them, with the funded participation making it an even easier decision. Finally, I have not had to worry about getting them to pay to join, so that payment can be saved for future expedition equipment that will directly support them.
One of our students has significant needs including both developmental and mental health difficulties. They are currently unable to attend school in person and only take part in lessons online. Through the DofE award, they are now able to receive recognition for their hobbies and interests (such as playing a musical instrument), helping to build their confidence and sense of achievement." Samantha, DofE Manager
Mainstream Secondary School – East London
"The funding has enabled us to increase participation in the DofE awards and expeditions. We see this as a vital part of what our school offers our students. The positive impact of out of school hours learning and opportunities like this are so important for improving the mental health of our students, raising aspiration and positive engagement in school" Lisa – Headteacher
Read more on our partnership with DofE here