25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
3 November
Number Confidence Week 7-11th November 2022
Taking place from 7-11th November, Number Confidence Week is an annual campaign from charity National Numeracy to encourage the nation to get more comfortable with numbers.
Encouraging businesses, organisations and groups to host sharing sessions around how their employees and members feel about maths, these ‘confidence conversations’ give people a chance to air their thoughts and experiences, good or bad, around numeracy. Confidence conversations can take place anytime throughout November in real life or virtually, with ‘how to’ kits available to download with suggested talking points and exercises to get people opening up about maths - from describing how they feel about using maths in the workplace to negative experiences they might have had at school or in further education.
We are proud to support National Numeracy on their mission to empower children and adults in the UK to get on with numbers so they can fulfil their potential at work, home and school. Basic number skills and confidence provide a gateway to financial inclusion, wellbeing and employment prospects and poor numeracy is limiting the life chances of half the nation’s working age population. In London, that figure is more than half with 59% or 3.5 million adults estimated to have low numeracy skills. National Numeracy is addressing this problem to help open up opportunities for Londoners and stimulate the city’s economy.
To take part in Number Confidence Week visit the Number Confidence Week hub to access free, helpful resources for both adults and children
Interested in improving your numeracy skills and confidence? Join thousands in taking part in the The National Numeracy Challenge