25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
5 October
Dawn Walk with Samaritans
We’re proud to support Samaritans, the charity that’s there for anyone who needs someone to listen, every day and every night. This October, we’re encouraging everyone to sign up to take part in Samaritans’ Dawn Walk, in solidarity with those who are struggling to cope.?
Dawn Walk is the challenge to walk 5k with colleagues, family or friends, anywhere you like, at sunrise between Friday 7 and Sunday 9 October 2022. ?
Every 10 seconds, Samaritans responds to a call for help. By taking part in Dawn Walk, your fundraising will help the charity continue to be there to listen to people struggling to cope with life’s challenges, such as mental health struggles, money worries, physical health challenges, and loneliness and isolation. ??
Getting outdoors is known to boost wellbeing, so it’s a great way to prioritise your own wellbeing too. It’s a positive start to the day – a chance to embrace the early morning quiet and reflect, or to have great conversations with people you’re walking with.?
Times are tough for many people. Samaritans knows that added pressures can impact people’s mental health. Taking part in Dawn Walk is an important way you can help raise awareness of the support available, and raise funds for the charity’s life-saving helpline.?
Sign up today: ?https://samaritanscommunity.enthuse.com/cf/dawn-walk-2022