25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
10 May
Tackling Loneliness this Mental Health Awareness Week
“It’s okay that I feel lonely sometimes.”
This year Mental Health Awareness Week focuses its theme on Loneliness, something that at some point in our life, we will have all experienced. Sadly around 3 million people in England said they felt lonely often in the last 2 years. From 9th - 15th May we will be supporting Mental Health Awareness Week through our Green Ribbon Campaign which helps create a visible show of support around mental health
Anyone can experience loneliness at any time in their life, how you experience it can be totally different to someone else and how you chose to deal with it is also a very personal thing. Loneliness can be severe and last for a long time, and it can negatively affect our mental health.
With this in mind we have put together a few ideas that can help those who might be experiencing a form of loneliness. Remember not everyone will find the same idea useful and it is important to only do what you feel comfortable with and not to pressure yourself. Take some time and possibly come back to the idea at another date.
Joining a class or a club which you have an interest in
- This is a great way to meet likeminded people or people who share at least one interest with you. You will be doing something you enjoy which can help your confidence and often it is easy to find local clubs/activities online or via community centres
- Like joining a club, volunteering for something you believe in can help you to meet others who are likeminded. Being part of a group of people with a cause can offer new experiences as well as bringing purpose and meaning in your life
Rediscover current relationships
- Often, we have people in our life that we might have lost contact with or drifted from over time. Take the chance to strengthen these relationships you might already have. Put in a weekly phone call or a monthly cup of tea and catch up. When reaching out you will often find others will also welcome the friendship
Animal comfort
- Pets come with so many benefits, helping with loneliness is just one of their many plus points however we know not everyone can have a pet. There are now lots of opportunities to still have animals in your life, look at volunteering with a local charity, there are websites for dog walking and sitting or even reach out to a neighbour who might need a hand with their pet every now and then
Nourish yourself
- Often when we are feeling down, we don’t properly look after ourselves but taking the time to eat good healthy food, exercising, and making sure we get enough sleep will be beneficial to you in the long run
Keep busy
- Distraction can be a great way to help keep the feelings of loneliness at bay. Build stuff into your day which helps keep your mind busy. Maybe there is a new hobby you have always wanted to try, a jigsaw to finish or get those items on your to-do-list ticked off!
Further help and support can be found with our charity partner The Samaritans
They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Get involved in the Green Ribbon campaign this Mental Health Awareness Week
The Green Ribbon Campaign is an important show of support during World Mental Health Awareness Week. By encouraging your employees to wear green ribbons and turn their workplaces green, it creates a visible movement of support showing those struggling they are not alone.
In 2021 we were thrilled to see over 250 organisations around the country get involved with the Green Ribbon travelling to over 145 cities across the world. Please join us this year to spread the campaign even further.
You can find all the Green Ribbon resources here or they can also be downloaded from our hub