25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
30 March
This is Me launches new Resources Hub
The Lord Mayor’s Appeal are delighted to announce that the This Me Resources Hub is now live and available for all members of our This is Me initiative to use.
This brand-new website, which has been developed after the success of our Power of Inclusion hub provides free access to all our This is Me tools as well as content from our past year’s seminars and events.
If you aren’t yet part of the campaign, you can register to join for free and get access to our Resources Hub here.
The This Me Resources Hub gives users access to all our content from This is Me’s three tools; This is Me Storytelling, The Green Ribbon campaign, and Wellbeing in the Workplace online programme. To help you use and get the most out of each of the tools we have also created a selection of useful guides around starting and developing your This is Me campaign which can be downloaded and read within the hub.
You can also access our recorded webinars, videos and podcasts, this includes past events over the last five years where we have had some fantastic speakers as well as offering a whole variety of topics and tips to discover, within the area of mental health. You can also find out details about our upcoming events and register for any you would like to take part in.
In addition, we have created a section each for our Regional This is Me teams so you will be able to see what is going on in your local area as well as find out who your key contacts are and any regional events that might be upcoming which you can get involved with.
If you are already registered for and an active member of This is Me, you should have received an email with your This is Me Resources Hub login details. If you haven’t received an email, please contact the TIM team on thisisme@thelordmayorsappeal.org
You can also access the Resources Hub directly via our website