16 January The Lord Mayor's Appeal Events: January to April
11 March
City Giving Day launch breakfast
Philanthropy in the city got off to a great start with the launch of our first City Giving Day breakfasts.
These brilliant events give those attending the chance to hear about City Giving Day and how they can get involved, as well as tips and advice from companies who have taken part in the day before.
At our launch event over 150 attendees came to the breakfast representing more than 120 organisations across the city of London. Having hosted these events for the past two years virtually the breakfast offered a great opportunity for people to get together face to face and enjoy hearing about each other’s experiences.
We were thrilled to have some great speakers with us at the event, who were able to offer their own insight into the fundraising day.
The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Vincent Keaveny welcomed everyone to the breakfast before giving his view on the day and what it can bring to each business in the city.
Sam Sims, Chief Executive of National Numeracy, our new partner charity for 2022 gave an overview of how The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and the charity will be working together this year, and also information around the brand new ‘Every Londoner Counts’ initiative.
PR and Corporate Social Responsibility Manager for BE Offices Julie Tucker gave a fantastic talk about why you should get involved in City Giving Day and the host of opportunities beyond fundraising and volunteering that the day gives to your company. You can read some further tips on getting involved in the day from Julie here.
We were also joined by Henry Elston, Head of Research, Elston Consulting who chatted about City Giving Day from a small organisations point of view and how even those without a CSR/charity team can get involved easily with the day.
Our next City Giving Day breakfast is on the 11th May and you can register now to attend