25 March 23 Mile Club to run The London Marathon again!
28 January
Open up your conversations around mental health in 2022
Are you looking to open up conversations around mental health in your workplace? Wherever you are on your journey This is Me can help your company to develop and raise awareness around mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
In the UK an estimated 91 million workdays are lost every year due to mental health problems and the ongoing pandemic has unfortunately been a catalyst in increasing stress and anxiety.
Our pioneering mental iniative This is Me aims to change attitudes towards mental health in the workplace by reducing stigma, dispelling myths and raising awareness to improve employee wellbeing.
Since its inception in 2016, over 1,200 organisations across the UK and internationally have registered for This is Me and made a commitment to ending the stigma in their workplaces.
This March we will launch our This is Me 2022 campaign and we would love to welcome new businesses and organisations from all sectors to join us at this event.
We are delighted to confirm that Paul Farmer, CEO, Mind will be chairing the event for us and in addition, you will hear from The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and our speakers about This is Me and how the initiative and the tools it provides, can support your organisation to #endthestigma around mental health in your workplace this year.
Details on the event and how to register can be found below
Date: Wednesday 9th March
Time: 8:30 – 10:30am
Venue: Mansion House
To register for your place please email thisisme@thelordmayorsappeal.org by 28th February
You can also find out more about the campign in this video where, Vanessa Whitman, Partner, CMS shares her personal story of mental health and the positive impact This is Me has had on her and the organisation she works for.