
9 April at 6:30pm-10:30pm

Lord Mayor's Eid-Al-Fitr Dinner



The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress will be hosting an Eid-Al-Fitr Dinner at magnificent Guildhall on Wednesday 9 April 2025 from 6.30-10.30pm, in aid of The Lord Mayor's Appeal.

This prestigious event held at the end of Ramadan will be a celebration of the long and deep relationship between the City of London and the Muslim world. The event will seek to explore opportunities for greater economic cooperation between the United Kingdom and the Muslim business world. It will include a mocktail drinks reception, thre course dinner, a fundraising silent auction and cultural performances. Dress code: black tie or national dress. 

Tickets are £350 per person, standard tables of 10 are £3,500 and premium tables of 10 are £5,000.

To book your place, please complete the booking form below.

Booking terms and conditions apply, please see here. For further details about tickets, sponsorship packages, donating a prize for the auction or to make a gift-in-kind or financial donation please email events@thelordmayorsappeal.org


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