
A Skilled City

A step forward

  • 38%

    More than a third of young women (38 per cent) feel a lack of self-confidence is one of the biggest barriers to achieving their career aspirations, compared to 31 per cent of young men (Prince’s Trust Youth Index, 2023). 

  • 40%

    40% females aged between 7-12 years worry about earning less than men their age in a similar job (Girl Guiding Attitudes Survey 2023)

  • 59%

    59% females aged between 7-12 years worry about being able to get a job after they leave education (Girl Guiding Attitudes Survey 2023)

How are we doing that?

Our initiatives

We Can Be

We Can Be aims to build confidence, develop skills and raise the aspirations of young women, by opening up the City and its opportunities while also equipping them with the tools to consider careers in the City, if they want one.

How does it work?

    Executive Summary Download information on our sessions
    Contact us About taking part in We Can Be events
    Corporate Partners How to become an Appeal partner

How does it work

Empowering young women to make informed decisions about their careers 

We Can Be hosts series of workshops around a central event that help young women see the City as a viable career option. The initiative helps develop skills, ambitions, and gives exposure to other women in the City. 

Our upcoming events

WeCanBe FutureReady

The impact of our work

  • 76%

    76% of young women are interested in a career in The City after the event  

  • 77%

    77% left the event confident they could have a career in The City if they wanted one 

  • 80%

    80% know what skills are needed to have a career in The City after attending We Can Be 2023

“We were delighted to take part in We Can Be 2023.

Unless you have access to The City and female role models, it’s really hard to imagine yourself there. I was fortunate enough to access work experience, but many people don’t have that opportunity. It’s important to show these young women what an average day in the office is.”


Emma Moffat 
Investment Manager 
Evelyn Partners

Contact us to take part in We Can Be

We Can Be: Event 2024

We Can Be Programme Sponsors

We are grateful to the following companies who proudly support our mission to inspire and upskill young women through our initiative.

    Evelyn Partners
    LGT Wealth Management

Get Involved

With your support, we can make an unprecedented change to help one million people thrive.

How to donate