
A Fair City

Poverty hasn’t disappeared

  • 10k

    More than 10,000 people have slept rough on the streets of London in the last year. (Streets of London) 

  • 4 in 10

    4 in 10 Londoners have less income than needed for basic living (Trust for London 2023) 

  • 385k

    In 2022/23, approximately 384,477 people used a foodbank in London, an increase of 99,790 when compared to the previous year. (Statista) 

How are we changing that?

Our programmes

City Giving Day

City Giving Day is a unique event which unites businesses in the City to celebrate the positive impact they have through fundraising and volunteering.

Since its launch in 2015, City Giving Day has ballooned, with 603 companies taking part in everything from static Wattbike racing to cupcake decorating this year.

In 2025, we aim to inspire even more organisations to sign up, not only in London but across the UK.

City Giving Day 2024 highlights video

Download our City Giving Day Guide 2025

Roll of Honour 2025

    City Giving Day Register your organisation
    Digital Resources How to get started and promote your event

Take part in an event

A unique annual event celebrating volunteering and philanthropy


Your business can create its own day of activity:

  • Fundraising events (cycle challenges, bake sales)
  • Showcasing the work of your charity partners
  • Volunteering with charity partners or running mentoring sessions for charities or young people.

Or take part in one of these City Giving Day events organised by The Lord Mayor’s Appeal (more details available soon):

  • Tour de City Static Wattbike Challenge
  • City Walk
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Quiz Night

City Giving Day

The impact of our work

  • 97%

    97% would recommend City Giving Day to others 

  • 73%

    73% of companies said that City Giving Day inspired employees to become more involved in charitable activity

  • 74%

    74% of organisations fundraised for their charity/community partners on City Giving Day

City Giving Day

Upcoming Events

Select an event to learn more or register your interest.

Visit our event calendar to find out more about all the upcoming events across The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and our initiatives.

Our event calendar

Get Involved

With your support, we can make an unprecedented change to help one million people thrive.

How to donate