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With your support, we can make an unprecedented change to help one million people thrive.
The Green Ribbon
As part of This is Me, The Lord Mayor’s Appeal run the Green Ribbon campaign to #endthestigma around mental health in the workplace.
How does it work
Every year The Lord Mayor’s Appeal runs the Green Ribbon campaign to mark Mental Health Awareness Week and World Mental Health Day,
We ask businesses to wear green ribbons to enable organisations to support their employees with their mental health and wellbeing.
The Green Ribbon
Throughout 2023 so far, 27 thousand Green Ribbons have created a visible wave of support to end the stigma around mental health across the world
273,000 Green Ribbons worn nationwide
63% of organisations report reduced stigma around mental health in the workplace
You can purchase or download any of the Green Ribbon Campaign resources here for your business to support Mental Health Awareness.
The Green Ribbon
With your support, we can make an unprecedented change to help one million people thrive.