
A Healthy City

Mental health
impacts everyone

  • £56 bn 

    Mental ill health is costing employers between £53-56 billion every year (mental health research from Deloitte)

  • 32%

    Those with Anxiety or Depression earn on average 32% less per year than those without a diagnosed condition (moneyandmentalhealth.org) 

  • 46%

    46% of employees have attended work on a day when they were not mentally fit to do so (presenteeism) (CIPD 2021) 

How are we changing that?

Our initiatives

This is Me

This is Me is comprised of three unique tools to support organisations raise awareness and end the stigma around mental health in the workplace.

We strive to build the skills of your people to talk about mental health confidently.

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    This is Me Storytelling Tools to open up the conversation
    The Green Ribbon A national and international movement to #endthestigma
    Wellbeing in the Workplace A workforce with the confidence to listen

How does it work

This year, more than ever, employees have needed support with their mental health. 

We know that when employees feel comfortable speaking about mental health, it is good for people, good for society and good for business.

Our upcoming events

This is Me

The impact of our work

  • 8302

    8302 people reached on social media during our Mental Health Awareness Week campaign

  • 73%

    73% of organisations say that after taking part in This is Me activities employees speak more freely about mental health at work 

  • 82%

    82% of businesses reported senior level buy in around the need to support mental health

“Reducing stigma in the workplace takes a few different things. This is Me is helpful because you are getting leaders to share their stories and then that trickles down into organisations.

It’s definitely something that is part of my life now. I talk about my own mental health in a very authentic way; and I feel like This is Me has allowed me to do that. It's also given people that perhaps are less confident in sharing their story a safe platform.” 

Jodie Hill
Founder of Thrive Law and
Chairperson This is Me Yorkshire 

Become a corporate partner

This is Me:
Jo Cole, Centre of Excellence and Portfolio Management at UBS

This is Me

Upcoming Events

Select an event to learn more or register your interest.

Visit our event calendar to find out more about all the upcoming events across The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and our initiatives.

Our event calendar

Get Involved

With your support, we can make an unprecedented change to help one million people thrive.

How to donate