
Committed to building the nation's number confidence and skills

Low numeracy is holding 3.5 million Londoners back from fulfilling their potential, by increasing vulnerability to unemployment, debt, fraud and financial exclusion.

Since 2022, National Numeracy have been working with the Appeal on a project called ‘Every Londoner Counts’ to boost numeracy, confidence and skills across London. Supporting in training a network of Numeracy Champions who are embedded within businesses, organisations and community groups, they are on a mission to uplift those adults grappling with low numeracy. 

The Appeal has supported National Numeracy to run workshops that inspire positive attitudes towards numeracy – all supplemented an accessible online tool designed to encourage, monitor and celebrate progress. Our funds have also helped to support National Numeracy’s latest report Number Confidence and Social Mobility which shows number confidence is an essential driver of social mobility.


National Numeracy: The impact of our work

A collage of images from the charity National Numeracy.

National Numeracy

Develop skills for life and work

  • 200

    Nearly 200 Londoners have been trained as Numeracy Champions and to date

  • 1,200

    Over 1,200 Londoners now feel more able to take their next steps at work or with managing their money

  • 6,500

    Over 6,500 Londoners with low number skills and confidence have checked their skills on National Numeracy’s National Numeracy Challenge since the project began in 2022.

Our work

Every Londoner Counts

The joint effort of The Lord Mayor’s Appeal and National Numeracy will help Londoners gain the crucial number skills they need to thrive.

Becoming a Numeracy Champion: Recruitment

Get Involved

With your support, we can make an unprecedented change to help one million people thrive.

How to donate